PAVE stands for:

Person-centered – putting people at the center of their own lives and of the services they receive
Advocacy (and Action) - Ensuring those who provide support in any capacity have the knowledge to advocate for and the skills to act in a way that enables and empowers ALL people with developmental disabilities to experience better quality of life outcomes,  whilst at the same time empowering individuals themselves to advocate for their own needs and wishes.
Vision - Providing a clear vision for others to share, with a particular focus on what good looks like in developmental disability services and how good life can be for people, with the right support.
Education - We aim to achieve this by:

  • Supporting people with developmental disabilities to have new experiences so that they can develop new skills, grow in independence (no matter how small the steps might be) and make informed choices.
  • Providing training to people receiving services, DSPs, families, providers,, service coordinators so that they have the knowledge and skills they need to maximize the participation, independence and autonomy of people with disabilities
  • Providing data that will help regional centers and state government to understand the real life experiences of people with DD and what is needed now and in the future to maintain and improve the quality of services and the outcomes experienced.

History of PAVE

In 2020, CCLN, through a grant from the California State Council on Developmental Disabilities, began a project to identify Service Outcomes for California’s Developmental Disability Community.  Working with a large group of stakeholders they focused on creating clear, consistent, and measurable service outcomes that could be used to inform service improvement, training, and value-based purchasing.   

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This project resulted in interest at legislative level in a PAVE service outcomes system and the work began to seek funding for a pilot project to allow the PAVE system to be tried and evaluated. Although Bill AB813 did not go through, the 2021-2022 Approved State Budget included funding for a pilot project on measuring outcomes, with the budget bill language amended in the following year to specifically name CCLN as the organization which would take forward this work.

The PAVE Service outcome SYSTEM?

The overall aim of the PAVE Service Outcomes system is to promote improvement in the quality of life outcomes experienced by people with developmental disabilities and their families across California, reducing disparity and inequity in service provision and quality. 

We plan to do this as follows:

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  1. Support people with developmental disabilities to have better quality of life outcomes through training, tools and resources for people with developmental disabilities, their DSPs, families, service providers and service coordinators.
  2. Gather data on service quality and outcomes experienced by people with developmental disabilities, including informed choice and satisfaction, and how these vary by service type, by demographics and over time.
  3. Provide access to that data at different levels and in different ways to promote strategic service planning and development, service improvement and the implementation of a quality incentives program.

The diagram below summarizes the elements of the PAVE system. 

The PAVE Service outcomes PROJECT?

The PAVE service outcomes project formally started in December 2022.  The project will try out (pilot) the new system described above and make sure that it works well and that it is useful to everyone who will use it. 

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We want to have good tools that measure how good people’s lives are (their outcomes) when they are receiving services. We also need to gather information that helps us to understand why some people have better outcomes and others have poorer outcomes. We want to look at how outcomes change over time and how they differ across people and across service types. This is very important if the PAVE system is to help improve services. We will try out the different elements of the system and gain feedback from those who use it – we want the system to be useful to all stakeholders in multiple ways and not considered just as a data collection tool.

For more information about the PAVE project and system please see our PAVE Frequently asked questions page.  

California Community Living Network
Contact Info:

Mark Melanson

Chief Executive Officer
California Community Living Network

166 Geary St

STE 1500 #1802

San Francisco, CA 94108

Phone: (415) 505-5975

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